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My journey

For 15 years I have been involved in Aquatics- teaching swim lessons, lifeguard courses, boaters education courses, kayaking, paddleboarding, etc. If it involved water, I was more than likely right in the middle of it. I heard about infant swimming shortly after becoming a certified swim instructor many years ago and decided I wanted to add infant survival swimming to my list of skills. So, I looked into it and was discouraged by the cost. 11 years passed, and I was pregnant with my first child- so again I looked to infant aquatics. The timing was just not right and no one near me offered the lessons for children. I knew 4 years ago I had to make it happen. I researched one company, but it just didn't fit my philosophy. I gave up. My second child was born, my passion re-ignited, but again the timing was not right.

December 2015 I was attending a re-certification course for my Learn to Swim program and I met a woman in my class who was an infant swimming instructor. After talking with her for the week, I contacted who would become my Master Instructor and was making plans to attend the certification to become an Infant Survival Swimming Instructor the summer of 2016.

I spent 6 weeks away from my husband and two kids and was training and teaching infants and toddlers to swim using the swim-float-swim method. It was a very tiring experience and emotionally draining as I was away from my family, however this had been a goal of mine for about 10 years and I knew this was the missing link in my west Texas community.

This amazing program of Infant Aquatics has been a long journey, however I am so excited to start offering families another option when looking for swim training without having to give up on their child's safety or trying to drive for hours upon hours to make it happen!

It is important to remember that this is NOT drownproofing- there is NO such thing, however the goal of West Texas Infant Aquatics is to provide direction for your child should a water emergency arise.

Who's ready to jump in with me?

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